[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/12553046/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/ffa500/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download Episode!” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/resortloop/ResortLoopShow700.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”ffa500″ libsyn_item_id=”12553046″ /]We are excited to be joined once again by Len Testa for his review of Disney’s Newest resort the Riviera! We talk about all things large and small! You can always find Len at TouringPlans.com, the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, and The Disney Dish with Jim Hill Podcast!
Tower Studios are unique to Disney’s Riviera Resort and sleep up to two guests in an intimate, modern setting that includes a private balcony with scenic views. (Steven Diaz, photographer)
Disney’s Riviera Resort includes a one-bedroom villa that sleeps up to five adults. (Steven Diaz, photographer)