Looking Ahead to 2021! [Ep. 775] Posted by Tim Scott | Jan 1, 2021 | Podcast | 0 | We wrap up HolidayThon 2020 with a Look forward to what the Roundtable hopes to see and do in 2021!! You can help support ResortLoop.com Here! Thank you for downloading and listening to ResortLoop.com – The Gateway to the Magic! Leave us a voicemail at (414) WDW-LOOP! 2020 is over! Please stand clear of the doors! To receive your free vacation quote visit us at Resort Loop Travel! Help support our friends at The NASCAR Foundation! To help support the show, visit ResortLoop.com/support! Check out our LooperGear at TeePublic! Thank you for downloading Episode 775 of ResortLoop.com! Subscribe To Our Newsletter For News, Information, and Fun!Please Stand Clear of the Doors SUBCRIBE HERE! Thank you for subcribing be sure to check your spam folder to opt-in!